Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Civic Duty and Faith to Action

We are today in the midst of some pretty incredible campaigns to see who will be the next president of the United States. I hope you attend a church where your leadership encourages your civic involvement. It is of utmost importance that Christians get involved with selecting the next president. Why?

"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing" author unknown

So what are you doing? Are you running for office? Are you actively campaigning and supporting your candidate of choice? Are you voting? Or have you thrown up your hands in frustration because you don't care for any of the options you see?

The word of God tells us we need to be involved with supporting the candidate we deem best suited. We need to pray for our candidate and support him or her. We also need to pray daily for our country's leaders, that they gain wisdom and insight into the proper actions to take.

If you feel passionately about getting involved, do so, invite your friends and family - then encourage your pastor or other church leaders to encourage this involvement. 80% of our country's population claim to be Christian.

Christians can choose our next president... but we need to get involved and vote! While this is not a political blog, we are in a presidential election year and this blog is all about moving faith to action. This year, make a difference!

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